Why Giving Everyone a Voice is Disastrous and Destroying Our Country

No one should be infected by the opinions and ideas of the uninformed, uneducated, angry and resentful.

Back in 2002-2003 or so, I started reading the news on Yahoo, MSNBC online, Internet Explorer, etc. which was great that it was so readily available. But then I saw that people could leave comments under the article.

Anyone could leave a comment, there were no restrictions. I realized that this was literally the first time in history that anyone off the street, anyone, the average person, regardless of education, background, race, sex, religion, or understanding of the topic being reported on could comment and share their ideas and thoughts with the world. Which in theory was an amazing step forward. Everyone now has a voice.

And guess what? It was a horrible display of uneducated, foul-mouthed, hatred and extremism, the likes of which I had never seen. I was horrified at the comments on these news stories. I had no idea that people like this existed or that people thought like this. Why would you share this kind of thing? Why would you say this in public?

Not only were their opinions filled with anger, hate and resentment, but they were very uninformed and embarrassingly uneducated, most could not form a coherent thought or sentence, which made reading their angry opinions that much harder.

I started to understand why only educated people who had a firm understanding of these topics could speak in public. It made sense that uneducated, angry people with some kind of ax to grind should not speak in public. Their comments are too angry, hateful, off-topic, uninformed, or I should say – incredibly uninformed, misguided and really only from the perspective of someone abused, or living in poverty who blames the system or other people for their circumstances.

There is no debating or arguing with someone that angry and blames you or the system for their problems. It’s just impossible. And the things they say are so hurtful and unrealistic that they left a mark twenty years later. I still clearly remember that experience.

Fast-forward a couple decades, and now those same people have an open platform, several in fact, to spread their angry, uneducated, uninformed, and very biased points of views about the world, with the world. And actually, you really can’t go anywhere these days without running into these newly empowered people who now think it’s their right and duty to force their opinions and anger on you, and yes, even by force.

They are so angry at life and their circumstances that they want to take it out on somebody, and if you happen to have something that they don’t have, if you happen to look different than they do, and you happen to cross their path, then you’re the perfect target, and they let you have it, and often with physical violence.

This is what happened to our society. The poor, angry people who blame the world for their life have the megaphone and the town square. And to make it worse, the Democrats support these people in a way that absolutely does not help anyone or anything. Making excuses for people rather than holding people accountable or providing opportunities does not help, it simply keeps people poor and angry.

Telling people they are justified in their anger and resentment without providing a way out or a solution has never helped, but it is an effective tool to gather supporters. This has been the tool of tyrants throughout history. This is the tactic dictators, socialists, communists and hate mongers have used for years – support the poor and angry!

Tell them you understand and you support them, tell them you’ll rip away the money and privilege of the rich, who obviously stole their money from good people like you, the poor and underprivileged, and you’re automatically boosted into a position of authority.

This is exactly what we have today. An open platform for uneducated, uninformed, angry people to shout at you for being different or successful – or for being normal, for not being as poor, downcast, dejected, bleak, joyless or wretched as they are. They revel in their hatred and blame. And we have a political party that supports, enables and actually encourages them…they help force their hate and rage on the rest of us.

It simply doesn’t make sense for a small, angry and vindictive person to complain to a company, and then a hardworking person loses their job, or they get de-platformed and lose their income. What right did that angry 22-year-old lesbian, who’s mad at her father, have to take away someone’s livelihood? And why on earth would any company acquiesce or agree to such a demand from someone who has ZERO power or authority?

We are supposed to hire and vote in educated people with a firm grasp of national and global issues to help and support our positions, to build with and for us. We are supposed to have people that we can trust in office to lead and build, which we just don’t have anymore, we’ve lost our true leaders.

And the good people that are there now spend their time arguing with and defending themselves against the mob and the people fueling the mob.

The reason I know all this and consider myself a Conservative or Republican is that I was raised poor, I was one of those people in the welfare line, collecting food stamps, with an alcoholic father who never worked. Our neighbors were also unemployed but had the money to buy cigarettes, alcohol and drugs and abuse their families and complain about rich people.

I understand these people firsthand, on a different level than most people. I was there!

So when liberals try to tell me how bad poor people have it and how few opportunities poor people have, they have no idea what they’re talking about, none. It’s easy to see a poor person and have sympathy, I get it. It pulls on the heartstrings, but there’s more to the story that liberals never take the time to learn.

Liberals and Democrats specialize in and make their living making excuses for people. Poor people do not need excuses, they need a path forward, actionable steps that they can take to better their lives. And most importantly, they need to know that it’s possible to build a different life. They do not need someone enabling them, they need a swift kick in the right direction. PERIOD. Anyone who says otherwise is selling something.

Am I saying that there are no victims of circumstances? No, I’m not saying that. Life does happen, and I support giving a hand up, which is different from a handout. To be clear, I’m not talking about true victims of circumstance.

However, back to my original point. I want people to understand who you’re arguing with on these platforms. These are people who will never take the time to learn any facts or the background of the topic, they have incredibly little understanding of what they’re talking about, or of the world, but are the first to spout out their uninformed, uneducated and very biased opinion.

The real solution is to not let these kinds of people take power, which they did. We’ve seen what they’ve done in just two short years. They were building towards this beforehand, but the trigger was when George Floyd died. The floodgates were open. They destroyed our country, they killed, rioted and looted everything in sight – and they forced sane, moderate, Conservatives and people with common sense into a corner.

It was their moment and they pounced. They stood up and showed us all who they are, they showed their true colors, and they were happy to tell us how and what they think. Even still, today it’s nothing but hatred and blaming on Democrat-funded media such as MSNBC, CNN, etc. All they’re doing is fueling hatred and blaming other people for the broken lives of poor people, the fringe, minorities and the forgotten and overlooked.

There will always be a large segment of the population who is bitter and angry, who are overlooked, and who blame you for their lives. I really don’t think there is anything you can do to pull them out of their misery, so the best thing you can do is pity them and build a society where people can prosper, even these angry, forgotten people, if they so decide to participate, it’s available for them too.

Remember, you can’t – not participate, then blame others that you don’t have anything. And when someone blames you or points their finger at you, always remember, that it’s not your fault, you owe them nothing. They’re just lashing out. Their situation is theirs, not yours.

You can feel sympathy for them of course, but you’re not responsible for them. Our society has gone out of our way for generations to help them. It’s up to them, not you. There’s nothing more you can do to help them other than create a system that they can participate in if they choose.

So please continue to build, strive and try; continue to move forward, to better yourself, your life and your community. Hold yourself to high standards, regulate yourself and practice self-discipline, keep to a schedule and educate yourself, set goals and achieve them.

There will always be people to help and support you when you need it, and there will always be people who need your support.

Build yourself, your family and your life as strong and as best as you possibly can. Future generations are depending on you.

Best of luck to all of us.

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