Perceptions and Misconceptions of Liberals and Conservatives

Perceptions and Misconceptions

People have an image of young cool people being Liberals, while farmers, old people and squares are conservatives. Liberals are the party people, they have fun, they laugh and smile. Conservatives on the other hand are stiff and square and only want to work and go home to a family who doesn’t have fun or laugh.

Conservatives only care about money while Liberals care about people.

Liberals are open-minded and are willing to listen to new ideas, whereas Conservatives are stuck in the Civil War era and are unwilling to even consider any new ideas. Liberals are iPhones and YouTube and Conservatives are rotary phones, print newspapers and the Yellow Pages.

Liberals are youth, Conservatives are old. Liberals are inclusive and Conservatives are exclusive.

It’s no wonder we’re so divided. It’s no wonder young people automatically gravitate to the Liberal party. Who would want to be a stiff old person? Really!


But these conceptions are actually and unfortunately for everyone – misconceptions. This is not really the way it is and nothing could be further from the truth. Unfortunately, it’s these misconceptions that keep us from having open conversations and keep widening the divide, fueled by politicians with an agenda of course.

It’s automatically assumed that anything out of the mouth of a Conservative is coming from a place of closed-mindedness and anything coming out of the mouth of a Liberal is worldly and open-minded.

None of this is true of course. The real difference between Liberals and Conservatives is attitude.

Liberals’ and Conservatives’ attitudes

Liberals think that making excuses for people is admirable. They think that giving everyone a trophy helps make everyone feel good and that it’s the right thing to do. Conservatives practice more of a tough-love attitude to promote responsible behavior – and they tend to view things as they are.

There are winners and losers, and it doesn’t matter how you feel about it, that’s the way it is, that’s reality. If you want to win, try harder next time.

For some reason, Liberals want to act like we can all hold hands and all be winners, which is not reality. It’s some alternate fantasy and no one understands why they even want it.

Liberals think less of people, they value weakness because they want to be the one to offer help, to give the poor and needy assistance. Liberals and Democrats want people to be dependent on them, so we all have to go to them for support, which of course, gives them unearned power.

You don’t have to take my word for it. Just look at the USSR during the Stalin period. There were breadlines for the people and penthouses for the leaders. It’s just how Liberals operate.

If you support socialism and communism, then you’re literally creating your own breadline and soup kitchen.

You don’t work, you don’t eat

Conservatives know that almost everyone is capable of working, but people simply chose not to work. That’s looking at the situation as it is and not making excuses for people. It’s not warm and fluffy, but it’s honest.

Conservatives want everyone to go to work, make a living and be successful in people’s chosen fields. While Liberals want to be taken care of and promote the dependence of others.

Conservatives say; “you don’t work, you don’t eat.” And Liberals say; “rich people and governments should take care of us.”

Liberals make excuses for everything and everyone and Conservatives do not. Conservatives go to work, and Liberals prefer government assistance.

So if you think that making excuses somehow helps people, that it’s okay for someone else to take care of you, or that it’s okay to not work, then you’re naturally a Liberal.

But if you would rather people be responsible for themselves, be honest, and if you’d prefer to take care of yourself and be financially independent, then you’re naturally a Conservative.


Another misconception is the idea of racism. Conservatives are not racist just because they’re Conservative. It’s a new accusation Liberals recently made up when black people called all white people racist after George Floyd got himself killed. Liberals quickly deflected and pointed at Conservatives. Slick move though.

Conservatives just don’t like people, even people of color, living on the government’s dime, the dime that we’re paying for through hard work and taxes.

Conservatives also dislike crime-ridden areas and criminals who masquerade as victims. It’s unfair that fully capable individuals are allowed to live off of the wages and taxes of people who work.

And it’s not fair that someone can commit a crime and get away with it simply because they’re African American.

If people really want to have an honest conversation about what’s fair and what’s not, we can have that discussion any time.

There’s a difference between being heartless and having a low BS tolerance or a good BS radar.

You might be mistaken “not caring” for hard work, honesty, and high expectations. Likewise, you might be misunderstanding – “giving people too much leeway, making excuses, and encouraging dependency” for caring.

More differences

Conservatives are tough people by their nature, they roll up their sleeves and do what needs to be done. Liberals manipulate the situation to either look like they’re working when they’re not or they get out of work entirely.

Conservatives traveled across this nation in covered wagons, and liberals came after the trains were built. See the difference?

You know who you are

You already know whether you are the type of person who dives right in and completes the task at hand or the type that waits for someone else to finish it.

And, if you are the type of person who prefers to wait for someone to take action then you are probably embraced by it, won’t confess it, will attempt to disguise it, and will manipulate the situation to make it appear as though you are taking action. But you’re not, are you?

All of which makes you a liberal. So now you know. Even if you won’t openly admit it.

I’m sure you’ve worked with someone who sucks up to the boss, brown-noses people to their faces then tears them down behind their backs. They never do any real work, but get all the credit while you’re doing all the hard work and not sucking up to anyone. You treat people as they deserve to be treated. Those are some of the core differences between Liberals and Conservatives.

It’s more about personality traits and attitudes towards life than it is about political differences. People naturally fall into categories. There are people who work and get things done and there are people who play office politics and never do the work.

That’s why you see Democratic politicians making money through insider trading, while it’s illegal for the rest of us. A new drug gets approved by congress, and ironically the politicians involved were already financially invested in the company making the drug. Any names come to mind? I thought so.

They make money through backdoor deals, while Republications and Conservatives start businesses, work hard or work smart and are generally open about how they earn their money.

Condemning the rich

Democrats condemn the rich on a regular basis. They go after hardworking and successful people.

Liberals claim to support the little guy, the poor, but it’s a front. They love money and power, they just don’t like earning it. They’d rather have someone else earn it for them, steal it, or make landslides of money through backdoor and unethical deals.

And they use poor people to get large amounts of government funding. And most of the funds usually go to their friends through favors and gifted government contracts, who then kick back money to the politicians who set the whole thing up and pushed it through congress.

A good example

Think of it this way. I’ll use a movie example. Something most of us can relate to. Have you ever watched the original Indiana Jones movie?

In the movie, our hero Indiana does the hard work to find the hidden treasures. He studies, he investigates and researches, he does the work to get his expedition funded, he travels and he backpacks through harsh terrain. He studied cultures and ancient architecture and he understands booby traps and lost treasures so he’s prepared when confronted by the dangers of the journey. And he takes all the risks of going after the treasure.

In the end, he finds the treasure and escapes with the gold. Unfortunately, outside waiting for our hero is the bad guy who let our hero do the hard work, take the risks and find the treasure. Then the bad guy steals the treasure at gunpoint and actually considers himself the winner.

That in a nutshell is the difference between Liberals and Conservatives. The Conservatives do the work and the Liberals want the rewards without the risk, effort or work.

So this is the fundamental difference that more people need to be aware of.

Liberals are not for helping the poor, they’re for using the poor to their own advantage. They manipulate the media and the general population by either pointing out every little thing conservatives do, and they even go so far as to invent and make up ill-doings. All the while they themselves are engaged in the same or much worse activities.

The Elon Musk example

Such as politicians attacking Elon Musk for taxes while they are spending out-of-control amounts of our tax dollars and earning profits through unethical deals.

Elon makes fortunes through inventing, taking massive risks and working harder than anyone else. He also pays more taxes than anyone else in American history. Yet certain politicians still go after him because they see him as a source of free income. He’s nothing more than a pile of money that they want without earning. They also do it to hide their own unethical dealings and incompetence as leaders.

If the politicians were doing their job properly, they wouldn’t need the piles of cash made by other people. A pile of cash by the way that politicians and the rest of us have no right to. They Earned it, not us.

Riots and crime

In broad daylight and on camera, Liberals and Democrats will promote violence and incite riots and crime but then condemn and blame Conservatives and Republicans for crime and violence. It’s head spinning and we let them get away with it.

And the worst part about all of this behavior is that the average person believes Liberals and Democrats because of everything discussed at the beginning of the article, the conceptions and misconceptions of Liberals and Conservatives.

Of course, Liberals are honest and tell the truth, they’re Liberals after all. And of course, Conservatives are lying, they’re heartless and don’t care about people.

What’s to be done?

If anything should be done, it’s to expose the bad behaviors and intentions of the Liberals and Democrats. We need to shed light on their methods, their intentions and even how they think.

If Conservatives want to get anywhere or get anything done, we’ll have to change the perceptions and shed light on who’s doing what and who really cares and who doesn’t, who’s helping the nation and who’s hurting it.

People need to know who is supporting this country and who is living off the hard work of others.

Maybe Conservatives just need to swing their iPhones with more swagger so they seem cooler to the young and hip crowd.

Joking aside, something does need to be done to tackle this in a way that people understand. The veil needs to be peeled back, and the public needs to understand these basic differences.

The big lesson we all forget is that people will continue to behave however they want if they continue to get away with it.

The reason African Americans continue to break the law, riot and loot is that they’re allowed to. It’s that simple. They do worse than other social groups in just about every category, and we get the blame because we don’t hold them accountable. We let them blame us and we take it. It’s out of control

Why is crime so out of control? Because no one is doing anything to prevent it. People are getting away with it. We’re letting it happen.

And we’re letting it happen because African Americans will riot and commit mass crimes in public and destroy everything in sight, and of course, we don’t want that. So we cow down to them and let it happen so they won’t go ballistic.

The point I’m making here is only about being open and honest and having open discussions about the problems.

Final Thoughts to Consider

Here at the end, there is something I would like every Conservative person to consider, talk about and discuss openly…it’s that important.

During the lockdowns due to COVID, there was a huge amount of government assistance as we all know. And it is estimated that at least half of that money was acquired by people through fraud.

People were working, lying about it, and taking government money. Companies were collecting these funds for their workers, but not paying workers.

So that’s a lot of people acting like liberals. That’s a lot of people taking the rewards without the work or risks. That’s a lot of people intentionally cheating. Is that where we are as a nation, as a people?

I wonder if we’re at a crisis of morals rather than simply at a social and political crisis. And even more troubling is how we get back to a working and functioning society.

How do we get back to or build trust? We simply can’t build a nation or maintain a nation where half the population doesn’t work and is supported by half or less than half that does work.

We’re also starting to chase away our wealth. The Democrats are now going after everyone’s money, and the rich won’t let it happen. They’ll leave and take their money with them.


So, where do we go from here?

I think we need to be much more open and honest about the problem and have open discussions about it before anything can happen. As the saying goes, “you have to first admit there is a problem before you can fix it.”

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